Our Students
Currently the School caters for a maximum of thirty (30) students, ranging in age from five to twenty years. These children exhibit learning issues caused by a variety of physical, behavioural or mental challenges. Students are referred to the Sunshine School by parents or guardians who have a basic desire to see their child’s special learning needs met; or by teachers from other schools, health personnel or interested individuals in the community.
Students are enrolled based on assessment of their needs, their compatibility within the school structure and available space. Parental involvement is strongly encouraged and it is an extremely important aspect of reintegrating the students into the mainstream.
Students take part in annual activities organized by the School for Children with Special Needs Kingstown – SCSNK (www.specialneedssvg.org), Special Olympics SVG (www.sosvg.org), and by the Association for Persons with Disabilities – ASPD (nspwd@vincysurf.com).
Some students may return to the primary system if they have improved enough and are within the age limit for the primary system. Several former students continue to attend High School and perform on par with their peers. Several others have successfully completed the programme and are well integrated into the community. In 2014 three boys wrote and passed the CPEA (Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment) Exam making the Sunshine School one of ten schools in SVG to obtain 100% pass rate that year.
Of almost 2000 students writing the exam in SVG that year, one of our boys placed ahead of almost 800 other students. One girl wrote and passed several subjects at the CCSLC (Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence) Exam (Grade 9 level), administered by CXC. In 2017 two more students wrote the CPEA and entered High School.
Students take part in annual activities organized by the School for Children with Special Needs Kingstown - SCSNK (wwwlspecialneedssvg.org) and Special Olympics SVG (wwwsosvg.org).